I must admit when I first arrived in the US it took several weeks for me to acclimate to my new surroundings. I arrived in heat with a urinary infection which in itself can make any dog a bit sluggish. Mom Julia was concerned that I might be depressed so she called a local animal behaviorist who suggested she bring me to a protection class. He thought the atmosphere might be familiar and help ease my anxiety.
That was the BEST advice EVER. Wow… when I saw the sleeve and suit come out… I knew my fate wasn’t doomed and my owner got a good glimpse of a happy dog. I had a grin from Ear-to-Ear that was unmistakable. This one class was the turning point in our relationship and I knew from that moment on… I was not destined to be a "just family pet". THANK THE DOGGY GODS.
My prior training was rather forceful and harsh. Prey and play drive were not encouraged in my development. Mom Julia kept introducing all these crazy round things, noisy things, flying things and would say: bring the ball, bring the Frisbee… bring… bring… bring… but I couldn’t find the dumbbell. I was looking but couldn’t find it. I was starting to think this lady was crazy… until one day it all started to make sense. First she rolled me a round thing filled with cream cheese. How could I resist that… yummy. Then she made this big fuss. I wasn’t sure exactly what I did right but as long as it wasn’t doing something wrong I wasn’t gonna argue about it. The next time she rolled the ball past me. When I got up to get it… it was like Christmas. She was hugging me and kissing me and praising me and I have to admit... I am kind of liking all this “praise and attention”
To cut a long story short… over the course of the last six weeks I learned that playing was fun and it was okay to relax. My previous owners taught me a lot fast. I have a lot to thank them for. I got my SchH3 at 2 years 4 months… but fun wasn’t a big part of it.
I think I am really starting to like the American family.
Click on the links below to view two of my driving building videos. I still have a long way to go… but I think it is starting to make a little sense.
Video One