Daily Observations

Momma is doing such a good job. I was a little concerned that she would not be attentive enough since she has been my right heal since she joined our family. She seldom left my side and I enjoyed having her with me. I went to Arizona for a week and the poor girl laid sulking at the door for the entire week and refused to eat. We'll I just got a sharp kick to the curb. Other then memento bathroom breaks she hasn't left their side. She is fine with me but has growled at the spectators that have come to see the babies.
I am going to keep notes on each pup so when the time comes I will choose the soundest dog for my needs.
First Born... Male. Is the largest of the 4. He immediately took to the breast and hasn't strayed far since. He is the family pig.
Second Born female (marked by a little white dot on the left rear toe and also the smallest of the 4) is a little more adventurous. She eats but also drifts off by herself. Mom gets nervous when she strays too far.
Third born female. She came out crying but didn't take to the breast right away. She eats the least of all 4 and spends the most time off by herself. She sleeps the most of all the pups too. Maybe that will develop into low drives later? We’ll see.
Forth born Male: The village crier. He came out screaming and has been the most vocal so far. He like his brother spends most of his time not far from the breast.
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