Questions about “The New Knowledge of Dog Behavior

This does pose a challenge as I have always been the type allow my dogs (who have earned the privilege) to roam freely in my home. I do have one small male Sheba that is kenneled away from my children when the kids are home because he has shown aggression and once my trust in the dog is gone no amount of training can overcome that.
Since Marsha is my second shadow… it will be more challenging to keep the puppy and her apart after the puppy reaches 12 weeks of age. Marsha has become accustom to following me everywhere and since she is never been any trouble to have around or take with me… I haven’t seen a reason not to have her around. I actually prefer to have her around and it’s sweet, she has touched the heart of some many people that when I get calls… my friends and family always ask about her.
She did give me a swift kick to the curb when the puppies were born, but over the last couple days I have seem my girl coming back around. When she hears me grab my keys she is on my heels. She is also much calmer about letting people see the pups. The first couple days she was pretty nervous and even growled at a few people that came to see them. Now… she just lays back and loves it.
The female I call the independent one (she is the one by herself in the photo below) started opening her eyes last night. Her sister has started standing on all fours briefly. Last night when doing the Early Neurological Stimulation... the two boys were perfect, they never whimpered or struggled a bit. The independent female struggled on her back... which she never has done before and her sister struggled when flipped upside down. On all other tests the female were quiet and clam even the cold towel.

Last night I curled up with a new book, Schutzhund: Theory and Training Methods. I was happy to see the Author started the book right off by referencing, summarizing and clarifying Pfaffenbergers and Dr. Scotts research and how it impacts other sporting / working dog training.
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