Thursday, April 06, 2006

Nine Days Old

The pups are all doing about the same. One female still likes her independence but I am not sure if it is in fact independence of if it is really low drives as she is also the one that sleeps the most. I guess we'll see when it comes time for exploring.

The boys are still the big eaters, and all 4 are tolerating the Early Neurological Stimulation very well. They all seem to get the most squirmy and squawky when I tip them upside down. They handle the cold towel with little outward display of distress other then being wobblely and they are all are relaxed on their backs.

Last night I trimmed their toenails and the independent female handled it with the most grace... she squawked just a little but didn't totally fight it like the other three did.

I am getting excited for the fun playful days to comeā€¦ and all the things I want to expose them to.

We took another short ride in the car yesterday and I started reading "The New Knowledge of Dog behavior". The verdict is still out on that book. I am halfway through it and so far the author, Clarence Pfaffenberger, has spent the entire time talking about his life. He has touch on Linebreeding a little... but otherwise I haven't read much about dog behavior.


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