I've Got Grip

We are still working on building my drive, focus and grip. My prey drive has come along way from zero when I arrived in August (mom seems pleased with my progress) and my endurance is good. Mom can’t out last me. My out… is excellent!
Our major obstacle now is:
I spit the toy when the fight is over. I reengage immediately when the prey is put back into motion... but mom wants me to hold it. I'm not sure why... and I don't think she knows the reasoning behind this. I think she is going to seek advice from her Leerburg friends. Mom keeps trying this "into my arms" move. I want to fight and she wants to hug... what's up with that? Crazy Americans.
Today, after I worked the life out of mom I got to give Dad a shot. Mom's force is limited by the fact that she's a girl and she wanted Dad to put some real force into the fight.
Click on the link below to view a 15 second clip of my grip work. The heavy panting in the background isn’t me… it’s mom getting ready to drop from exhaustion. (Wimp)
Video My Grip
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