Friday, March 31, 2006

Daily Observations

Momma is doing such a good job. I was a little concerned that she would not be attentive enough since she has been my right heal since she joined our family. She seldom left my side and I enjoyed having her with me. I went to Arizona for a week and the poor girl laid sulking at the door for the entire week and refused to eat. We'll I just got a sharp kick to the curb. Other then memento bathroom breaks she hasn't left their side. She is fine with me but has growled at the spectators that have come to see the babies.

I am going to keep notes on each pup so when the time comes I will choose the soundest dog for my needs.

First Born... Male. Is the largest of the 4. He immediately took to the breast and hasn't strayed far since. He is the family pig.

Second Born female (marked by a little white dot on the left rear toe and also the smallest of the 4) is a little more adventurous. She eats but also drifts off by herself. Mom gets nervous when she strays too far.

Third born female. She came out crying but didn't take to the breast right away. She eats the least of all 4 and spends the most time off by herself. She sleeps the most of all the pups too. Maybe that will develop into low drives later? We’ll see.

Forth born Male: The village crier. He came out screaming and has been the most vocal so far. He like his brother spends most of his time not far from the breast.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A very happy mom

Marsha and babies... all are doing fine.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Number 3 and 4

Number 3:Girl

Number 4: Boy

All Four: 2 boys and 2 girls:

First Born

First Born: boy

Second Born: Girl

And then there were Two:

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Momma Marsha

After much research… I AI Marsha with a beautiful male in NM. He is a two time VA and also a KKL1 like Marsha. I have no doubt that they will make a positive contribution to the GSD breed.

Here is a picture of her Sire: V Dian vom Baronenwald SZ 2018764.

His pedigree: click here

Dian and Marsha’s breeding match: Click here

Linebreeding - 5 generations
4 - 4............................................. in VA1 Ulk von Arlett
5 - 5............................................. in V Dolly von Arlett
5 - 5............................................. in VA1 Uran vom Wildsteiger Land
5 - 5............................................. in VA5 Yago vom Wildsteiger Land

I am giving all the puppies away but plan to keep one for future Schutzhund or Protection work, which is why I wanted a solid male that would improve on Marsha. I can’t wait to raise and train a puppy myself from birth.

My family has also become fascinated with the Sport of Schutzhund. They been involved in coon hunting and competition coon trials for generations... so naturally they are interested in something new. Plus you have to agree that GSD are much more suited for home companionship then ugly... coon hounds. And GSD don’t bark at all hours of the night.

We are all is so excited. I am fearful that Marsha won't have enough puppies to supply the demand for one. We are going on March 20th to have an x-ray to see how many there are. I have a feeling a few people are going to be disappointed because there just won’t be enough puppies to go around.

My Lady is turning out to be the most amazing dog. We have one neighbor that has such a vicious dog. This dog has actually launched through the picture glass window before and gone after people. The owners have been very good (so far) at keeping him on a chain which has always made me nervous because chains wear out. We have walked by this house hundreds of times and whether he is in the house or on his chain he barks viciously at us. Marsha is always relaxed but alert when we approach this house. A couple weeks ago we were on our daily walk with my two youngest children ages 3 and 5 and just as we were passing this house the owner was bringing the dog out. The dog saw us and just hit a dead run knocking his owner to the ground. I was terrified… mostly because my two kids were with me. I let Marsha go and she sprang into action. As the dog was charging us… she charged him… They faced off and he took one close look at her and headed for higher ground. As soon as I saw the other dog retreat. I called Marsha back and she came right back to my side. She regained her composure and we got the hell out of there. I saw a side to Marsha that was scary… I never knew she had so many teeth. Wow.

The owner came over after and apologized. I told him… you really need a kennel for your dog. I warned him, that there will come a day when he breaks that chain and someone is going to be seriously hurt. I could tell he knew that, but I haven’t seen any changes made.

I was so proud of her. My babies were crying because everyone around here knows this dog is an asshole and had Marsha not been there… I have no doubt he would have attacked us. He has been planning this attack for a couple years.

My sister is moving to FL… and I plan on visiting often. When she told me I immediately thought… I will have a reason to bring the kids to Disney and check out some of the clubs down there. I have heard there are several good clubs in FL.